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]]] '''+++__Rituals for Sanctifying a Domicile and its Grounds__+++''' [[[
]]] http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs10/i/2006/093/c/9/YOUR_SMALL_CORNER_by_meic2.jpg [[[
]]] '''''+++__The Rituals Involving a Dwelling__+++''''' [[[
]]] '''++__Materials Needed__++''' [[[
]]] Blessed or 'Holy' Water [[[
]]] Fresh Cloves of Garlic [[[
]]] A New, 'Virgin' Broom [[[
]]] Salt [[[
* To begin, a general physical cleaning is needed, such as sweeping and dusting etc.
* Any specific areas within the domicile that are 'felt' to need a spiritual cleansing should first have freshly cut garlic hung in these spaces.
* Accompany the hanging of the cut garlic with the following words: '''''"I praise the One Creator for the gift of garlic and bless its ability to offer to those friends to whom I wish to bid farewell the arrow which points their way of egress"'''''.
* The garlic will then be left hanging for 36 hours.
[[[ '''''++__Salt__++''''' [[[
* After the garlic has hung in the desired areas for 36 hours, you are prepared for the pouring of the salt. It will be trailed in a '''''straight line with no gaps''''' along the '''''outside''''' of every window sill and exiting doorway. This should also include any doorways within the domicile that leads out (such as to a garage, basement etc.).
* While the salt is being poured throughout the dwelling, repeat the following words until it has been accomplished: '''''"I praise the One Creator which gave to salt the ability to enable those friends, to which I wish to bid farewell, to find a new home"'''''.
* This salt will then be left, undisturbed for 48 hours, '''''without''''' being crossed.
* If this ritual is being performed in an existing dwelling as opposed to one being moved into, one exiting doorway can be left unsalted, and then done after the ritual for the others are '''''completely''''' finished.
[[[ '''''__Water__''''' [[[
* After the 48 hours have passed, blessed water will now be required for the next step; this can be water that has been appropriately blessed by yourself. If you are not experienced in the appropriate blessing of water, so-called 'holy water' from any blessed place (that is, blessed by intention) will need to be acquired.
* Just after opening each window or door, the blessed water will be sprinkled from the fingertips along each line of salt enough to dampen it.
* While this is being done the following words will be recited: '''''"I give thanks to the One Creator<br>for the gift of water. Over it the creator moves Its hand and stirs Its will to be done"'''''.
* You will now need a 'virgin' or new broom. Following each sprinkling of the blessed water and recitation, use the broom to sweep the dampened salt to the outdoors repeating the following words: '''''"I praise the One Creator and give thanksgiving for the spiritual cleanliness of this dwelling place"'''''.
* After all of the salt has been swept out in the above manner, the final step will be the burning of the garlic. During the burning, the following will be recited in each area where garlic has been hung: '''''"I give thanks to the One Creator for the gift of spiritual cleanliness in this dwelling place and seal the departure of all those who have left by this exit by the consuming of this substance."'''''
'''*Following this ritual, the domicile will be rendered neutral in its vibrations, and a virgin dwelling in the magical<br>sense. After this point, any appropriate workings or rituals (such as the Banishing Ritual of the Lesser Pentagram or<br>Middle Pillar) will have a clean environment to be most efficacious.'''
]]] '''''+++__The Rituals Involving the Grounds Surrounding a Dwelling__+++''''' [[[
]]] '''++__Materials Needed__++''' [[[
]]] A funnel approximately three feet in length made from inch-square chickenwire, or a similar material [[[
]]] Fresh Cloves of Garlic [[[
]]] Loose Wire [[[
To begin, it is important to project caring and blessings (i.e. positive thoughts) toward your outdoor surroundings, which will be felt and returned by the plants and animals that share the space you call home.
Any areas that are 'felt' to require sanctifying, or deemed to need a clearing of negative energies, can be 'cleaned' using the funnels outlined below.
* To create the funnels, simply roll them into a shape so that the small end is approximately 4" in diameter, then fasten it with some of the loose wire.
* It is essential that the funnels are hung in an area that allows free air flow, yet are secure and held in place (pointing in one direction). Securing them between two make shift poles are one example.
* Prior to placing the garlic onto the funnels, walk the perimeter with the opened gloves in hand, swinging the arms, in order to improve the efficacy of the ritual. This can be done silently or with any words than seem appropriate to each person.
* After this has been done, attach one end of loose wire to the garlic and the other to the funnel, at the small end.
* The key here is to have the garlic suspended and just to the inside of the small opening without touching the funnel itself, allowing the free flow of air around it.
* The 'south' small end of the funnel is to be pointed in the direction of the domicile, which will draw any negative energies in through the funnel and traduce them northward, away from the dwelling.
* The funnels can be left for as long as necessary, but a minimum of 48 hours is suggested. Leaving them for much longer periods of time, or moving them around is also appropriate when needed.
]]] *These rituals have been adapted from the [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki/The_Law_Of_One Law Of One] material.<br>The actual books can be ordered from [http://www.llresearch.org/main.htm L/L Research] or downloaded for<br>free in PDF format. [[[
]]] '''++++__Enochian Sex Magick__++++''' [[[
]]] "If it is your will to be a Sex Magician, see to it that you use your Magick to face and conquer your life, not to hide from it."<br>Aleister Crowley [[[
]]] http://altreligion.about.com/library/graphics/dee9.jpg [[[
]]] *The following Ritual in this section is intended only for the advanced student familiar with the<br>techniques of both Enochian and Sex Magick practices. [[[
]]] '''''++++__Exploring the 30th Æthyr__++++''''' [[[
]]] http://fc01.deviantart.com/images3/i/2004/105/7/e/Dimensions.gif [[[
]]] __One or both of the following is the goal of this Ritual__ [[[
* Through the use of Will, generate physical children with a specific spiritual energy on the physical plane through divine forces, which will initiate important shifts in the orientation of the Psyche and the Universe.
* Create non-physical "bio-psycho-spiritual vessels" which will shift the focus of the mind as well as develop new powers and abilities for the practitioners.
]]] '''''__SELECTING THE MAGICKAL CHILD__''''' [[[
In actuality, the selection process is the most difficult and, most magickal, aspect of this Ritual. This should never be embarked upon with a frivilous attitude, for the "soul searching" necessary is an awesome responsibility.
It is essential that the Enochian adept is intimately familiar with every area of the Elemental environment and with his or her current initiatory position relative to the Thirty Æthyrs. This includes reviewing the personal Magickal diaries that one has written of perhaps hundreds of non sexual Enochian workings.
As a sample for this Ritual, I will refer to previous evocations I have successfully performed many times with fantastic results, using '''TDIM''', the kerub ruling the ''Water'' Subangle of ''Water''. The following is an excellent example of Tantric Enochian evocation adapted from the exercise 'The Orgiastic Circulation of Light'.
After preparing the room in which you are working, using the appropriate symbols for the Æthyr such as the sigils of the Governors or the Elemental Tablet from which they are taken, begin by performing the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
]]] http://www.enochian.org/enochiantable.jpg [[[
]]] http://altreligion.about.com/library/graphics/kircherameth.jpg [[[
We two, crag-perched, have watched the moon revive<br>
The drowsy glaciers, and strike sharp upon<br>
Black precipice of ice, and columned stone,<br>
And seen the sun's first arrows glance, and drive<br>
The stars from their pavillion, like a hive<br>
Stirred by the lightning. The resistless sun<br>
Shatters the crags; and every bastian,<br>
With splintered rock and icicle alive,<br>
Seems to delight in mourning. This we saw,<br>
Alone, together, on the mountain's edge.<br>
And now, though shadows on Arolla sink,<br>
And old Mont Collom's icy cliffs withdraw,<br>
Clear memory pencils out the little ledge,<br>
And bends of friendship forge a fresher link.<br>
(Unpublished poem by Aleister Crowley, 1898)
]]] http://z.about.com/d/altreligion/1/0/0/G/1/sdeeholytable.jpg [[[