Any wiki page containing one or more URLs for MP3 or Realmedia files can also be used as a playlist for your media player. These links can be in pages containing other content such as text and images. URLs are added to the playlist in the order they appear on the page.
URLs that end with the following extensions are recognized automatically when included in a wiki page:

MP3: .mp3, .m3u, .pls, .xpl
Realmedia: .ra, .rm, .ram and .smil

The automatic part happens when a playlist link is followed, and these URLs are added to it. Playlist links are added to wiki pages by their authors (see below).

URLs that don't have suffixes can be tagged by adding the following anchors:

MP3: #mp3
Realmedia: #ram

Not recognized:


So do this:


To play such a page simply select the supplied "Play this page as an <mediatype> playlist" link, or if there is no such link, append the following suffixes to the page's URL and reload it to invoke the playlist:

MP3: .m3u
Realmedia: .ram

Load the usual HTML version of a wiki page:

Load that page's MP3 playlist:

When editing wiki pages use these /Macros to include links to "Play this page as an <mediatype> playlist":

MP3: @m3u@
Realmedia: @ram@

Use Local: to make relative links to other playlists from within the wiki.


This example includes links to realvideo files followed by a playback link:

In "The Persuaders," FRONTLINE correspondent Douglas Rushkoff explores how the cultures of marketing and advertising have come to influence not [1] only what Americans buy, but also how they view themselves and the world around them. The 90-minute documentary draws on a range of experts and observers [2] of the advertising/marketing world, to examine [3] how, in the words of one on-camera commentator, "the principal [4] of democracy yields to the practice of demography," as highly customized messages are delivered to a smaller segment of the market. [5]

Play this page as a RAM playlist

Here's how the previous paragraph was constructed:

In "The Persuaders," 
[ FRONTLINE] correspondent 
[ Douglas Rushkoff] explores how the 
[ cultures]
of marketing and advertising have come to influence not  
only what Americans buy, but also how they view themselves and the world around 
them. The 90-minute documentary draws on a range of experts and observers  
of the advertising/marketing world, to examine 
how, in the words of one on-camera commentator, "the principal 
of democracy yields to the practice of demography," as highly customized 
messages are delivered to a smaller segment of the market.  

