DARE To Think For Yourself
"The concept of "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" is enshrined in the documents upon which this nation of ours is supposedly founded. If the pursuit of happiness does not mean the right to experiment with your own state of mind, then those words aren't worth the hemp they're written on." Terence McKenna
- The Symbolism of the Green Triangle
- If you think of yourself as a decent, rational person, and you support the war on drugs, then you are misinformed... either about the war or about your decency and rationality. Ray Aldridge: The WARSTOP pages, April, 1995.
- During the 1980s Ronald Reagan's CIA shipped tons of cut-rate cocaine per year ($65 million to $130 million worth) from Colombia into the African-American neighborhoods of South Central Los Angeles, where it was made into crack and distributed to the major gangs in the area, specifically the "Crips" and the "Bloods," thus sparking the crack cocaine epidemic which still plagues our society, and provides a seemingly legitimate rationale for the Liberty annhiliating War on People Who Use Certain Government Supplied Illicit Drugs. Dark Alliance: The Story Behind the Crack Explosion
- Free Exercise of Religion and the War on Some Drugs
- Why would billionaires want to demonize a vegetable?
- Proemium from Jonathan Ott's Pharmacotheon in which he presents a comprehensive and readable treatise on drug policy reform.
- The Emperor Wears No Clothes - excerpts
- Dope Fiends! - The true story behind the corporate sponsored War on Some Drugs
- A Guided Tour of the War on Drugs
- The Entheogen Law Reporter - current legal issues relevant to entheogen users.
- Cures Not Wars
- Educate yourself and others on the costs, consequences and alternatives to drug prohibition and the War on Some Drugs at The Lindesmith Center.
- The notorious CIA/LSD psychedelic mind control experiment Project MK-ULTRA facts taken one step further in the fictional Wisdom's Maw.
- Aint Nobody's Business if You Do
- The War On Drugs is a Scam
- The Non-Ordinary Conhibition Rhetoric of Terence McKenna
- Let's just end that nutty drug war..
- Brief prohibition bibliography
- The Ibogaine Story is about a plant cure which has been found for heroin, cocaine, alcohol and tobacco addiction, yet the FDA/DEA dictate that American Citizens have no right to possess or use this life saving spice. Learn who the real enemy is in the War on Some Drugs.
- Newspaper article about Ibogaine
- Ibogaine bibliography
- Drug Culture Through History
- Live in the "land of the free and the home of the Braves?" You're outta luck! Mail-order hemp seeds for Europe only, at KAWUMM
- Hemp British Colombia - Canadian Cannabis Culture Revival!
- High Times
- Sensi Seed Bank - Serving the free world.
- Fifth World Home Page - Amsterdam Everything
- Nootropic Drug Information (Smart Drugs)
- InHome Mail-Order Nootropics Price List
- Multidisciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies, Inc. (MAPS)
- Psychedelic Illuminations Magazine
- Psychedelic Abstracts Online (over 3000, search by keyword)
- Lycaeum - Entheogenic community and archive
- Paranoia - Freedom of Thought and Eclectic Interests Galore
- Hyperreal - Raves, Chemistry (alt.drugs archive), Music, Zines, Unix, etc.
- Black Crawling Systems Archives - You will never be the same..
- Altered States of Consciousness - Hypnosis, Out-of-Body Experiences, Dreams and Lucid Dreams, Drugs, Parapsychology, etc.
- Alternate Realities - Lucid dreaming, astral projection, out-of-body experiences.
- If you enjoy books like Space-Time and Beyond, The Tao of Physics, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Cosmic Trigger, or The Roots of Consciousness then you'll want to hang out with Jack Sarfatti, Fred Alan Wolf, Nick Herbert, and Saul-Paul Sirag at the
Physics Consciousness Research Group- Theoretical physicist + text files = Sarfatti's Illuminati
- Xochi Zen's Home Page - DIY Mind Machines and more.
- H Y P E R B O R E A: Alchemical Garden at the Edge of Time
- The Leri Institute for Much Higher Learning
- The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension - Break out the hotlist!
- Abrupt NYC believes firmly in the empowerment of individuals to mouth off!
- Psychedelic Tabby Cabal - The Goddess Chaos, Temporary Autonomous Zones and a realistic alternative to the fascist state of Mass Media. Yes!
- CyberAnthropology - Where anthropology, technology and evoluton meet in the new discipline of AnthroFuturism. An exciting web page with several excellent essays - or beam directly to MindWarp.
- Anders Main Page - Transhumanism Magick Weird Mad Scientist Page
- Disembodied Eyes - a room full of mirrors
- Sputnik Drug Information Zone - Hyperreal flashbacks
- Project Mind Foundation - Basically, [they] believe science to be the greatest spiritual undertaking ever, but that scientists have yet to recognize it.
- Man, Mind and Machine: Meme-Based Models
- Arkuat's Meme Workshop - Applying genetic models to human knowledge development.
- More on Memetics
- Underground Grammarian - A few thoughtful papers concerning education.
- Panther's Cave - Hawaii, Asia, cyberculture, hippies and etc.
- The Black Panther Coloring Book
- Justin's Links from the Underground - a coordinated collection of interpolated information.
- The Amiga Web Directory - My Favorite Orphan.