A Few Good Catalogs
- New Falcon Publications publishes advanced Neurologic information from the best minds in the field: Dr. Timothy Leary, Ph.D., Mr. Robert Anton Wilson, Dr. Christopher S. Hyatt, Ph.D., Dr. Israel Regardie, Antreo Alli, Aleister Crowley, etc., etc., etc!
- Have you ever been SoundPhotosynthesized? Unique audio and video documenting some of the great minds of our era including McKenna, Lilly, Leary, Wilson (both Colin and Robert Anton), Gimbutas and Feynman. Other topics include psychedelics, shamanism, religion and related topics.
- Highly cosmic music, fine hand-made instruments and stupendous web design make Inlakesh a must browse.
- Fungi Perfecti provides everything necessary for fungi cultivation including some of the best books and an extensive illustrated website.
- Online audio and video tape catalog of outstanding contemporary Buddhist teachers at Kalapa Recordings
- They buy and sell strange gizmos, non-mainstream software and subversive media, provide online services, and publish! They are FringeWare Inc.
- A mail-order book store focused on the mind-expanding plants and compounds, also called hallucinogens, psychedelics, or entheogens: Mind Books
- Atomic Books: Literary Finds for Mutated Minds
- Pacifica Radio Archive: Decades of great progressive radio. Search it and you just might strike gold. Cassettes available.
- Alan Watts audio catalog at Mastering Enlightenments Arts. Govinda, Trungpa, Brown, Dobson soon.
- Xochi, Wilson, Stafford, Shulgin, Osmond, McKenna, Lilly, Leary, Janiger, Huxley, Hofmann, Herbert, Eisner, Doblin, Abraham and accomplices are an organization of individuals dedicated to the creation of a psychedelic culture. Visit The Island Group
- Explore the mysteries of consciousness with Burroughs, Cage, Campbell, Dass, Fellini, Gibson, Ginsberg, Joyce, Kerouac, Laing, Lanier, Leary, Shankar, Whitman, and friends at the Mystic Fire Home Page.
- West Coast Zoological has a full line of tarantulas, scorpions, centipedes, snakes, tortises and lizards!
- Collectibles, exotic jewelry, skulls, gargoyles, preserved and prepared animals and insects, miscellaneous: Necromance On-Line