Ultraterrestrial Agents Of
Cultural DeconstructionFrom Cyberbiological Studies of the Imaginal Componentin the UFO Contact Experience by Carl Raschke Archaeus, Vol. 5, 1989
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Such a surmise is not as outlandish as it may seem on first consideration, since many theoretical physicists today have acceded to the notion that everything that falls within the range of normal, empirical science may be only a thin strand of intelligibility interwoven with hidden alternative folds of reality.[4] The spatiotemporal order, whose geometry was formulated summarily by Einstein, may be little more than than a single vibrational "rate" within what John Wheeler has called "superspace."[5] Thus UFO "visitations" or intrusions may be traced back to some hyperdimensional point of origin. Furthermore, the "visitors," rather than systematically "studying" our ways out of magisterial curiosity, may be working with methodical dispatch to make us transparently conscious of, if not to elevate us toward, the realm in which they move and have their being.
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