What does it mean that the most powerful of all psychedelic hallucinogens is a part of normal human metabolism?—Terence McKenna
- DMT profile
Description/properties, History, Human Biochemistry/Pharmacology/Psychopharmacology, Legal Status
- DMT abstract
Chemical structure/source, Dose, Physiological effects, Psychological Effects, Duration of action
- DMT chemistry and pharmacology
Synonyms, Physical, Isolation, Synthesis, Chemistry, Pharmacology, Legal Status
- Detailed DMT data from TiHKAL
Synthesis, Dosage, Duration, Qualitative Comments
- Tryptamine Carriers FAQ
MAO Inhibitors, Synthesis of Derivatives, Psychedelic Toads, Fungi, Plants, ReferencesThere are a number of organs in the animal body which produce measurable amounts of DMT constantly.—Dr. Rick Strassman
- DMT Extraction Overview
- DMT Frequently Asked Questions and Troubleshooting Guide
- DMT for the Masses...a mhrb extraction tek by Noman
- DMT from Phalaris
- DMT Quicktek - Mimosa H. Root Bark Extraction by Vortex PDF
- Don Juan Cornellius ELF HARVEST
- Elfspice's Compleat Acacia Extraction Guide
- entheogenist's DMT recrystallization TEK
- GreenMan's Tek
- Heraclitus' Recrystalization Tek
- Jorkest's D-Limonene and Fumaric Acid Approach
- Lazy Mans Guide to Extracting Mimosa Hostilis Root Bark by Vortex
- Lextek Extraction of DMT
- Marsofold Tek: How to easily make DMT
- Marsofold's Desmanthus TEK
- Nontoxic limonene tek
- QuantumBrujo from rootbark to smokeable spice in 7 hours
- QT's DMT Extraction for Students
- Raver's Patented Miracle A/B extraction
- sammytek54543 How I pull the magick out
- Shaggy's Jungle Tek
- Smokable Dimethyltryptamine from Organic Sources
- Spice Extraction-The FASA Approach
- Vovin's Tek
Ordinary consciousness is created by a neurotransmitter called serotonin, 5-hydroxy-tryptamine, suggestively a very close relative of psilocybin and DMT.—Terence McKenna
- Image of Indole Derivatives Related to Serotonin
- DMT mol format 3D molecule data
- deoxy.video search results for DMT
DMT concentrates in the human cerebrospinal fluid on a 24 hour cycle and it reaches its peak between 3 and 4 am in most people and that's when deep REM sleep is happening.—Terence McKenna
The pineal gland is doing a lot of chemistry that looks like psychedelic chemistry.—Terence McKenna