IRC Services | :
IRC Commands |
Server Status—MOTD Services : NickServ | ChanServ | MemoServ | BotServ Aliases | Privacy/Security | SearchBot | Java Clients |
User Services
- NickServ allows you to register a nickname and prevent others from using it.
- ChanServ is used to register and control various aspects of channels.
- MemoServ sends short messages to other IRC users, whether they are online at the time or not, or to channels.
- BotServ lets you have a bot on your own channel.
- HelpServ provides help for services. It is accessed by typing something like "/msg NickServ help" in IRC. It can also be seen on the web by using the preceding links.
- StatServ provides Statistics Services
Also see our services aliases.
Admin Services
Anope IRC Services supports a unique protection mechanism based on the military "Defense Readiness Condition" (DefCon) system. It is based on 5 levels of defense readiness defined (on this server) as:
DEFCON 5 * Normal peacetime readiness DEFCON 4 * No new channel registrations * No new nick registrations * No MLOCK changes DEFCON 3 * No new channel registrations * No new nick registrations * No MLOCK changes * Use the reduced session limit of 2 DEFCON 2 * No new channel registrations * No new nick registrations * No MLOCK changes * Use the reduced session limit of 2 * Force Chan Modes (+R) to be set on all channels DEFCON 1 * No new channel registrations * No new nick registrations * No MLOCK changes * Use the reduced session limit of 2 * Force Chan Modes (+R) to be set on all channels * Kill any NEW clients connecting
Installed IRCd Modules
The following 3rd party user modules are installed on our IRC server.
These modules add features and commands for your use.
Oper-only modules can be listed with the /module command.
randquote (command /randquote)
Display random quote on connect.
iscmd (command /iscmd)
Will echo any valid command, but not invalid ones. For scripts.
Syntax: /iscmd list uhh nick
ircops (command /ircops)
List the status of the IRC operator.
servlist (command /servlist)
List all service clients.
nocolorumode (color stripping usermode +c)
Strip color codes from private messages.
Syntax: /mode yournick +c