Revision 33raw-print  2008-06-05 17:14Spiros 
Revision 32raw-print  2008-06-05 17:13Spiros 
Revision 31raw-print  2008-06-05 17:12Spiros 
Revision 30raw-print  2008-02-26 20:07Spiros 
Revision 20raw-print  (edit) 2007-12-20 23:13Glandmastercomment  

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    I am 25 years old. When I was 16 I got a tape from a friend with parts of Terence McKenna's [ Alien Dreamtime] on it. It was the first time I heard about mushrooms. Two weeks later I had my first mushroom trip- and EVERYTHING changed. I quit school and left to live in a forest in Ibiza, with my older brother, then went to Asia where I spent two years exploring psychedelics, magic, art, life, sex, plants. Since that first mushroom trip when I was 16 I have been on This Grand Adventure, and feel blessed to be part of it. I do a lot of writing these days, have been writing for four years now, and I do it for many reasons, one reason being this:
    My website:
    My book in progress The Rosalixion:
    High five!
    A dirty secret: When I arrived at the Secret Silvery Mushroom Palace (when the ground turns semi-transperent and the roots in the soil shine silvery and She welcomes you to the first Hall) I wasn't welcomed by dancing mice and candies, I was welcomed like [ THIS] (video). And She said: "It's about time you fuck me and check out what I am really about." And I was like...."I'm going with you baby."

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