== Like Minds == Tonight I was reading up on [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/mckenna.htm terrence mckenna]...and it made me think of [http://www.jcf.org/about_jc.php j. campbell], a personal hero of mine. The reason the article I was reading about mckenna made me think of campbell was...that they were like thinkers...not completely of course...but they do have an underlining theme that is similar to each other...they are two thinkers who like to think out of the box, on top of the box, around the box and sometimes underneath the box... I wonder how many of us are drawn to deoxy because we too are [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki/CognitiveSynergy like thinkers]... ---- == God..or == ''accepts into his heart, as his own personal savior, anyone or anything with which he happens to be impressed at the moment.'' I read this from [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki/User/Laotse lao's wiki]...and it really stuck with me... I believe there is a higher power..intellgence...big guy...god...something... but I like what lao says...about having a personal savior...someone or something...that moves you...inspires you...if we all wait for god to come and inspire us...we will be in for a long wait...so a personal savior is a great idea...cause there are so many of them...and they can be so inspiring... ---- == How == the screen that is up in deoxy... [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/img/buckyquestion.jpg (how would I be...what would I do)]...sometimes I think about that, how would I react in the middle of some disaster...would I step up to the plate and help out...or would I be a whiner...I certainly hope it's not the later...but I also think...we never really know how we will react...till there is something to react to...I guess that's when the moment of truth really shows itself...when you are faced to respond in some way at some level...to something you are not fully prepared for... ---- == Elfstone == really enjoyed reading's [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki/Elfstone/reflections elfstone's reflections] on hir mushroom experience...personally I have never tried them...so it was great to hear elfstone's personal experience and how that experience was very spiritual...and a key to a new way of thinking... ---- == Vortex == when one falls into the vortex...all of a sudden things are not the same...things begin to take a whole different meaning to them... being in the vortex...is a bit terrifying...but in the end it can be enlightening...if one lets it be... ...stinky...aka...lost in the vortex of learning... ---- == Heaven == ]]] ...it would be heaven...to be able to chat... [[[ #MAGIC Chatter the planet earth in the above picture looks like a pebble thrown into the ocean of the universe...with rippling effects...prehaps what we do down here on this planet...ripples out like '''shock waves''' to the universe... when our ripples finally reach the point of creation...will creation return ripples to '''''match''''' what we sent out...?