A bot named '''search''' inhabits various channels on our [http://irc.deoxy.org IRC server] where it participates in conversation when triggered by use of certain words. To get help or experiment type '''/msg search hi''' to open a private message with the bot. There is also a [Deoxy:searchbot web interface to searchbot]. *Search has the following automatic functions: **'''seen''' works by recording the last thing you say or do in a channel with the bot. **URLs for videos from deoxy or [Deoxy:vid?help=1 either host site] triggers the return of its title. || '''Updates'''<br><li>Search will respond to [Deoxy:chat/unreal.htm#invite /invite] on assigned channels.<li>Fixed the calculator and language translation.<li>Translation now supports chinese, greek, japanese, korean and russian. || Type '''/msg search help''' to list the functions: ||'''Calc''' || <tt>calc expression</tt> returns results from [http://google.com/help/features.html#calculator Google calculator].|| ||'''CDDB''' || <tt>cddb artist-or-album</tt> returns a url to the [http://www.freedb.org/ freedb CD Database].|| ||'''Define''' || <tt>define word</tt> returns a url for definition at [http://www.dict.org/bin/Dict dict.org].|| ||'''<no>Deoxy</no>''' || <tt>deoxy keywords</tt> to [http://www.google.com/search?q=site%3Adeoxy.org search deoxy.org with Google].|| ||'''<no>Find</no>''' || <tt>find words</tt> search deoxy using [Deoxy:find our internal engine].|| ||'''<no>Google</no>''' || <tt>google words</tt> returns a url for a [http://www.google.com Google search].|| ||'''Groups''' || <tt>groups words</tt> returns a url for a [http://groups.google.com/grphp Google newsgroup search].|| ||'''IChing''' || <tt>iching</tt> returns a [Deoxy:iching/random random I Ching hexagram].|| ||'''Images''' || <tt>images words</tt> returns a url for a [http://www.google.com/imghp Google image search].|| ||'''IMDB''' || <tt>imdb film</tt> returns a url for the [http://www.imdb.com/ Internet Movie Database].|| ||'''Invite''' || Use this IRC command to <tt>[Deoxy:chat/unreal.htm#invite /invite search]</tt> back into an assigned channel. || ||'''ISBN''' || <tt>isbn number</tt> returns a url for the book at [http://isbndb.com/ ISBNdb].|| ||'''Koan''' || <tt>koan</tt> returns a [Deoxy:koan/random random Zen koan].|| ||'''Map''' || <tt>map seattle</tt> returns a [http://maps.google.com/ Google maps] URL for that location.|| ||'''News''' || <tt>news words</tt> returns a url for a [http://news.google.com/nwshp Google news search].|| ||'''Quake''' || <tt>quake</tt> returns the most recent [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/news/view/feed/quakes USGS Earthquake Hazard]. 15 minute update.|| ||'''Random''' || <tt>random</tt> returns a [Deoxy:random random link] for deoxy.org.|| ||'''Sat''' || <tt>sat 350 5th avenue new york</tt> returns [http://maps.google.com/?t=k Google satellite maps] URL for that location.|| ||'''Search''' || <tt>search keywords</tt> returns [http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=&btnI=I%27m+Feeling+Lucky Google's lucky link].|| ||'''Seen''' || <tt>seen username</tt> tells you when it last saw that username.|| ||'''Scholar''' || <tt>scholar words</tt> returns a url for a [http://scholar.google.com/ Google scholar search]. || ||'''Spell''' || <tt>spell word</tt> or follow the word to spell with (sp). [http://linux.math.tifr.res.in/manuals/man/spell.html Suggests possible words].|| ||'''USDebt''' || <tt>usdebt</tt> returns the [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/news/view/feed/usdebt current U.S. National Debt]. Updates twice a day.|| ||'''Video''' || <tt>video</tt> returns a random [Deoxy:videx deoxy video], use <tt>video words</tt> to search.<br><tt>video DNA</tt> returns [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/videx?q=DNA results for DNA] || ||'''Watch''' || <tt>watch words</tt> returns video search results in the [Deoxy:watch watch] interface. || ||'''<no>Wayback</no>''' || <tt>wayback <no>http://some.url</no></tt> returns a [http://www.archive.org/web/web.php Wayback Machine] query for the given url.|| ||'''Worldpop''' || <tt>worldpop</tt> return the [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/news/view/feed/worldpop current world population projection]. 10 minute update.|| ||'''X''' || <dt><tt>x to/from language phrase</tt><dd>translate phrase to (or from) language via [http://babelfish.altavista.com/ Babelfish].<p>Languages: <tt>chinese dutch french german greek italian japanese korean portuguese russian spanish<br>(or the first two letters)</tt><p>Examples: <tt>"x to spanish hello friend" or "x from sp hola amigo"</tt><br>|| <small> '''Clocks''' *'''localtime''' returns the current time and date in our server's timezone ([http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pacific_Time_Zone PST]). *'''gmtime''' returns the current [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenwich_Mean_Time Greenwich Meridian Time]. *'''unixtime''' returns the number of seconds since the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unixtime Unix epoch]. </small> ---- It's custom code so any good suggestions are likely to be implemented.,, [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/chat/nickserv.htm Registered nicks] can send messages with:,, [Deoxy:chat/memoserv.htm /memoserv] send dimitri your comments here ---- <a name="code"></a> SearchBot consists of 1708 lines of Meme:Perl using the following 14 [Meme:Perl/CPAN CPAN] modules: <table><tr><td> *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/File-Slurp/lib/File/Slurp.pm#DESCRIPTION File::Slurp] *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Parser/lib/HTML/Entities.pm#DESCRIPTION HTML::Entities] *[http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl/lib/HTTP/Request/Common.pm#DESCRIPTION HTTP::Request::Common] *[http://search.cpan.org/~samv/Lingua-Translate/lib/Lingua/Translate.pm#DESCRIPTION Lingua::Translate] *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/libwww-perl/lib/LWP/UserAgent.pm#DESCRIPTION LWP::UserAgent] *[http://search.cpan.org/~jmuhlich/Net-IRC/ Net::IRC] *[http://search.cpan.org/~deti/Proc-Daemon/lib/Proc/Daemon.pod#DESCRIPTION Proc::Daemon] </td><td> *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/Storable/Storable.pm#DESCRIPTION Storable] *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/Time-Duration/Duration.pm#DESCRIPTION Time::Duration] *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/Unicode-String/String.pm#DESCRIPTION Unicode::String] *[http://search.cpan.org/dist/URI/URI/Escape.pm#DESCRIPTION URI::Escape] *[http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/URI-Find/lib/URI/Find.pm#DESCRIPTION URI::Find] *[http://search.cpan.org/~mschwern/URI-Find/lib/URI/Find/Schemeless.pm URI::Find::Schemeless] *[http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/URI/URI/URL.pm URI::URL] </td></tr></table> ---- *'''Related''' **[[NewsBot]] **[[ChatterBot]]