|right5 <html><center><big><big><b>"ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE"</b></big></big></center></html> Love transcends structured systems of logical thought, and all teachings regarding love should be abandoned, even this teaching. A fundamental tactic employed by elite control institutions throughout human history has been to teach as though they have a way to logically articulate love. Humans, who have always been aware of the vulnerability that accompanies love, have allowed government, religion, and culture define what is socially acceptable regarding how to love, when to love, where to love, etc. The question that must be asked of these control institutions is 'What was your motivation capitalizing on our inability to logically define love and offering your subjective interpretations?' Upon analysis, we see this was another survival-based behavior exhibited by the elite, who were aware of the fact that emotional directives still hold the power to supercede all of their malicious memetic engineering. All of this fear regarding love stems from this one fundamental truth: ++'''The law of attraction is capable of transcending any other behavioral directive, from memetic morality to genetic self-preservation. Love is the most powerful intention we have ever witnessed, exceeding even our own genetic desire to exist.'''++ To transcend this fear and say 'all you need is love,' is to give in to the will of a higher intention. Many humans found their identity on morality and permanence, and will reject the vulnerability associated with this behavioral directive. The results could be [ terminal]. <html><center><a href="">Video of Osho talking about the relationship between Love and Hate.</a></center></html> ++Forced growth never found safe haven.++ ,, Did you ever gaze at two rivers entering the ocean at mix and merge,, eversogolightly,, you know those rivers you can just... just leap across,, or miss your footing,, and its like ++WWWWWOOOOOWWWWW++ all at once,, so clean you can taste the air, the mountain fires, ever... ,, sometimes those rivers join close to the seas... Some would say,, Love is need.,, Lasting love grows on purpose.,, ,, Ancient Greek has the words philia, eros, agape, and storge, meaning love between friends, romantic/sexual love, sacrificial (unreciprocated) love, and affection/familial love respectively. This is an epoch when it seems [[Mars]] has had a dominant influence on humans on planet Earth for many millenia (say 5000 years). Yet love is mainly attributed to [[Venus]]. Various different types of love exist, which are more or less related: # love between family members: parent's love of children, etc. # love of friends # romantic love # sexual love # loving one another in general # loving something abstract or inanimate # loving All And also [ limerence] that most all of us have delved into at some time or another, and relates to something much deeper than it might seem. It is both confusing and utterly wonderful that the combination of all the above is called ''love'' in English. And yet there is more...,, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I read this somewhere and copied it down. It was unsigned. I carry a nice copy of it with me always. 1009 SEE LOVE SERVE LOVE VERSE LOVE LOVE RESOLVES SORE LOSERS LOSE LOVE SO SORE LOSERS LOSE LOVE LOVES SORE LOSERS LOVE OVER LORES OR ROLES EROS ROSE OVER LOVE EROS LOVES ---- [ Bodhicitta] may be defined, approximately, as the simultaneous - arising of spontaneous and limitless compassion for all sentient beings, - falling away of the attachment to the illusion of a separate self.