[http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/beliefs/originalsin_6.shtml http://www.traditioninaction.org/bev/bevimages/bv080_PopeKlaus.jpg|left20] ,, The search for certitude - like the pretense of moral righteousness - appears to me as a medieval habit that should have vanished long ago. None of us knows enough to be certain about anything, usually, and none of us are nearly as 'moral' as we feel obliged to pretend we are in order to be acceptable to 'Decent' Society. ++If we are not totally stupid and blindly selfish on all possible occasions, we are about as bright and ethical as anyone in history has ever been.++ The greatest batters in the history of baseball all had batting averages well below 0.500, which means they missed more than half the time they swung. Medieval morality and theology have left us with the hypocritical habit of pretending batting averages close to 0.999 in both knowledge and ethics. (The Absolutists go around talking and acting as if their averages were actually 1.000 or sheer perfection.) On average, I think I score under Babe Ruth and I suspect you do, too. There thus appears to be a great deal of conceit and self - deception in the habitual poses of intellectual certitude and ethical perfection among the educated classes. It would appear more in keeping with honesty, I think, to recognize, as analogous to Murphy's Law, the unscientific but useful generalization I call the Cosmic Schmuck Principle. The Cosmic Schmuck Principle holds that if you don't wake up, once a month at least, and realize that you have been acting like a Cosmic Schmuck again then you will probably go on acting like a cosmic schmuck forever; but if you do, occasionally, recognize your Cosmic Schmuckiness, ''then you might begin to become a little less Schmucky that the general human average at this primitive stage of terrestrial evolution.'' Page 22 - [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki/23 23],, '''+++[http://www.stephankinsella.com/texts/wilson_natural.pdf Natural Law]+++''',, ''++[http://www.stephankinsella.com/texts/wilson_natural.pdf or Don't Put A Rubber On Your Willy]++'' ~~~[http://www.filehippo.com/download_foxit/ PDF]~~~,, ++by [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/raw.htm Robert Anton Wilson]++,, ]]] ++Also See++ ]]] ]]] [[The Thinker and the Prover]] ]]]