<html><a href="https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/media/Leary/Tale_of_the_Tribe.m3u"><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Ginsberg-leary-lilly.jpg" style="float:right; width:50%; height:50%; padding:18px; border:0;"></a></html> [[[ +++Cognitive Synergy+++ - ++"The state wherein two or more cognitions achieve a level of cooperation which results in an intellectual output greater than the sum of their individual contributions."++ ]]] Having subjective cognitions to juxtapose is an existential prerequisite of having cognitive synergy. This awareness is a fundamental reason to embrace and celebrate dynamic perspectives. Though approaches must be dynamic, the intention of participating cognitions must be unified. Terence McKenna spoke of a unified worldview on a global scale, encompassing everybody from "Cambridge, to the natives of the highlands of New Guinea." It is important to recognize the potential of all angles and views, as that allows for the most data from which to synthesize insights. Intellectual teamwork is a behavior commonly exhibited in primates. [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wiki This wiki] is a prime example, as it allows us to mutually expand upon and complement each others conceptualizations, producing greater insight. In this picture we see three men who are meeting for the conscious exchange of ideas. This behavior is indicative of an understanding of the importance of cognitive synergy. Another important aspect involved in the conscious promotion of cognitive synergy is the 'freedom of information.' The synergy of minds is not limited to verbal communication: It has the potential to occur whenever information is exchanged. This includes literature, visual arts, sonic arts, etc. The fallacy of the ownership of insight constricts the evolution and expansion of said insight. A way to ensure the free growth of information is to copyright information in a way similar to the way this photograph has been copyrighted: :~~'''Photograph''' taken in 1991 by Philip H. Bailey, at the home of Dr. Oscar Janiger. From left to right: [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/find?q=allen+ginsberg Allen Ginsberg], [Deoxy:leary.htm Timothy Leary], and [Deoxy:lilly.htm John C. Lilly, M.D.] This file is licensed under the [Meme:CreativeCommons Creative Commons] Attribution <no>ShareAlike</no> 2.5 License. You are free to copy, distribute, display, or remix. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under a license identical to this one.~~