A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq to the Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunalby Ramsey Clark and Others
WWW Index
- Introduction
- Preface
- Table of Contents from the print edition
- Part One: The Charges
- Final Judgement: International War Crimes Tribunal
- Part Two: The Basis in International Law
- International Law and War Crimes - Michael Ratner
- War Crimes Committed Against the People of Iraq - Francis Kelly
- Part Three: Testimony and Evidence
- U.S. Conspiracy to Initiate the War Against Iraq - Brian Becker
- The Myth of Surgical Bombing in the Gulf War - Paul Walker
- The Massacre of Withdrawing Soldiers on "The Highway of Death" - Joyce Chediac
- Appendix A: International Law
WWW URL: https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/wc/wc-index.htm
Copyright © 1992 by The Commission of Inquiry for the International War Crimes Tribunal