Difference (minor diff, author diff) |
---"If voting could change the system, it would be illegal."--- --~~Theodore Adorno~~ |
++If voting could change the system, elections would be stolen.++ --~~Obvious~~ |
#MAGIC Videx q='election OR voting OR "open debate" OR muzzler' |
[[[ "++Adorno... argued that advanced [Deoxy:find?q=capitalism&type=site capitalism] had managed to contain or liquidate the forces that would bring about its collapse and that the revolutionary moment, when it would have been possible to transform it into socialism, had passed. As he put it at the beginning of his ''Negative Dialectics'' (1966), [Deoxy:philo.htm philosophy is still necessary] because the time to realise it was missed. Adorno argued that capitalism had become more entrenched through its attack on the ''objective basis of [Deoxy:find/revolution revolutionary consciousness]'' and through '''liquidation of [Deoxy:aa.htm the individualism]''' that had been __the basis of [Deoxy:alephnull/jaynes.htm critical consciousness]__.++"--[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Adorno#Theory Theory] ]]] |
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]]] +++Reconsider voting as a form of Wiki:DirectAction.+++ [[[ |
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[[[ ++"If you ever hear a fellow student say, "I'm not turned on politics," give that student a [Deoxy:annex/hey.htm history] book because if you don't turn on politics, down to the air you breathe, the water you drink, the racial profiling you detest, the health insurance many people don't have, and on and on, '''If you don't turn on politics, [Deoxy:find?q=authoritarian+OR+fascist+OR+fascism&type=video politics will turn on you] in [Meme:MessianicMilitarist very disagreeable ways]."'''--[Meme:PresidentNader Ralph Nader], ''[http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/politics/july-dec00/stump_10-26.html On The Stump]''++ ]]] |
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