<div style="width:100%;background-image:url(/gaia/eyefood/starfeeled.jpg);"> <table style="width:600px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;"><tr><td> ,, ,, ]]] ~~Quotes:~~ ]]] +++If you believe in the higher self,+++,, ''this is a simple trick of the lower self.'',, ,, ,, +++If you believe that there is no lower self,+++,, that there is only the higher self, but that somehow or other the higher self has to shine through--the very fact that you think that it has to try to shine through still gives validity to the existence of a lower self. ,, +++If you think you have a lower self or an [Deoxy:egofalse.htm ego] to get rid of+++,, and then you fight against it--''nothing strengthens the delusion that it exists more than that.'' ,, :So this tremendous schizophrenia in human beings of thinking that they are rider and horse, soul in command of body, or will in command of passions--wrestling with them--all that kind of split thinking simply aggravates the problem and we get [Deoxy:defrag more and more split]. ,, [[[ +++So we have all sorts of people engaged in an interior conflict which they will never ever resolve because--the true self, either you know it or you don't.+++ ]]] ,, If you do know it then you know it's the only one, and the other so-called lower self just ceases to be a problem. It becomes something like a mirage, and you don't go around hitting at mirages with a stick, or trying to put reins on them. ,, ]]] ++You just know that they are mirages and++ [[[ ]]] ++++'''walk straight through them.'''++++ [[[ ,, #MAGIC Videx q="watts higher self" ,, ,, <html><a href="https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/gaia"><img src="/gaia/eyefood/earth13.jpg" style="width:100%" border="0"></a></html> ,, ,, ,, </td></tr></table> </div>