]]] ++'''Conspiracy as an instrument of ruling class control'''++ [[[ The title of the talk is conspiracy and class power and the key word in that title is the '''and'''. That is what your getting on the left lately is a debate in which people are saying we mustn't look at conspiracy we've gotta look at the broader institutional systems thats a argument being made by [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Cockburn Alexander Cockburn], [https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/find?q=Noam+Chomsky&offset=0&type=video Noam Chomsky], Chip Burlay and any number of people and I think its a incorrect argument. Its not conspiracy or class power, its conspiracy '''and''' class power and I'm not going to talk about any specific conspiracies in any detail I want to talk about the relationship of conspiracy to the larger political economic context of the system. Class power depends on a certain amount of conspiracy. It is logical that teachers, welders etc conspire for their self-interest. But we are asked to believe the ruling class, even when in policymaking positions, do not conspire for their self-interest. @M3U@ [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-01.mp3] [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-02.mp3] [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-03.mp3] [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-04.mp3] [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-05.mp3] [http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/ConspiracyANDClassPower-06.mp3]