+++'''Speaking Personally...'''+++,, ~~recorded 1961 by Dennis Preston from Lansdowne Recording Studios~~ @M3U@ "The interview took place in the London summer-two long afternoons, punctuated by tea and sherry, in Aldous's sitting-room with the view of the trees in Ennismore Gardens. The range of subjects was very wide. Aldous, as the case might be, responded to his interviewer, side-stepped or expanded. The great point of it all is that it has left us with such a characteristic record not only of Aldous's thought but of Aldous's way of expressing it; more spontaneous, more informal than his writing, more informal still than his lectures and broadcasts - there was no time limit, no audience... This record comes as near as anything to the way Aldous talked to his friends. This was his conversation." ]]] ~~Sybille Bedford, from '''Aldous Huxley, A Biography - Volume 2'''~~ ]]] *[http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/HUXLEY_interview_1.MP3 Part One] **I started writing... **Why wouldn't you have been good in medical practice? **How did you come to publish? **Was your defect of eyesight a great handicap? **Are there writers who will survive and be read? **What is the relationship of the artist to his time? **How serious is the impact on your mind of Freud? **Victorian social consciousness - mummy of Jeremy Bentham **Won't you say something about DH Lawrence? *[http://praxis.bluesphereweb.com/HUXLEY_interview_2.MP3 Part Two] **Would you say something about the process that took you to unorthodox religion? **Surely zen is inward turning? **What part has the supernatural in your life? **Symbols **Mysticism hinges upon superstition? **The Devils of Loudon **Why did you settle in California? **How often have you taken mescaline yourself? ]]] via [http://www.greylodge.org/occultreview/glor_014/huxley.htm Grey Lodge Occult Review: Issue 14] ]]] ]]] ~~~[https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/meme/CreativeCommons Creative Commons] [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License]~~~ ]]] ]]] ~~Additional information from [http://artifactrecords.com/release.php?releaseID=5 Artifact Records]~~ ]]]