<table style="float:right;padding:22px;"><td> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fnord https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/vi/I_6nz1Dhxn4.jpg] <br> [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_fear https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/vi/ThZjiWLG0aE.jpg] <br> </td></table> ,, ,, [[[ ++++"The reason why I'm giving him attention is because I see them ''[Videx:fear sapping energy] from the [Wikipedia:Far-left radical left]."''++++ ]]] ,, ,, '''@MP3@--[https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/dia/audio/Alex_Jones_and_the_911_DVD_peddlers.mp3 MP3]--~~Paraphrases:~~''' ,, ,, "'''How an anti-immigrant, anti-liberal, anti-democratic lunatic became somehow accepted on any level with the left is just completely bizarre to me.''' This is what makes [Wikipedia:Left-wing_politics left-wing] people's alliance with Jones so tragic: They mistake his current anti-government rhetoric for some kind of generalized [Find:authoritarian+OR+antiauthoritarian anti-authoritarian] kind of principles but...Jones is a massive champion of [Deoxy:find/capitalism?type=htm capitalism] and of private property and is anti-democratic. Jones will use the word "corporate" a lot and I think people mistake that for some kind of anti-capitalist rhetoric but he's pro-capitalist." "'''Jones also regularly mocks environmental causes.''' He basically sees any environmental claim that impedes upon private-property as a lie or part of the [Wikipedia:New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory) new world order]. He believes that oil can never run out. He believes that the Wikipedia:Kyoto_protocol is part of the new world order conspiracy. '''[Local:Climate_Denial He doesn't believe in global warming.]'''" "++Left-wing people should have absolutely nothing to do with Alex Jones or anyone who would associate with him and this includes the Videx:Loose+Change kids and the frickin Videx:Zeitgeist movie and all that [http://perrylogan.org/AlexBleef.html crap].++" <br clear="all"> #MAGIC Videx q='alex jones' ,, ,, [[[ +++"[Wikipedia:Psychological_warfare psychological warfare] against the [Wikipedia:Libertarian_left libertarian left] by parasitic [Wikipedia:Right-wing_politics right-wing] [Wikipedia:Third_positionists third positionists] who advocate anti-Semitism, racialist nationalism, [Videx:schizophrenia schizophrenic] [Media:RAW/SubGenius_Hour_of_Slack_1043 masonic]/[Media:RAW/Illuminati Illuminati] conspiracy theories, anti-[Deoxy:news?feed=fem feminism], and [Meme:Culture_war totalitarian-minded moral crusades], whose leaders sell this [Meme:MADDness madness] and disinformation to live comfortably"+++--''[http://theanarchistlibrary.org/HTML/Rocktown_Rebel__Retaliate_Against_Alex_Jones__Treacherous_Psychological_Warfare_.html Retaliate Against Alex Jones’ Treacherous Psychological Warfare!]'' ]]] ,, ,, <html><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angry_white_male"><img src="https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/img/godzilla_2.jpg" style="width:100%" border="0"></a></html> ,, ,, ]]] ++++[http://theanarchistlibrary.org/HTML/Rocktown_Rebel__Retaliate_Against_Alex_Jones__Treacherous_Psychological_Warfare_.html Retaliate Against Alex Jones’ Treacherous Psychological Warfare!]++++ [[[