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    Question: Appreciate the work listing the videos but it seems to me it makes more sense (and for pure eye candy et functionality) to include the <nowiki> # MAGIC Videx </nowiki> listing instead (which seems to be the way we're going here)
    cross promotion people,.... go team deoxy!
    --mim 2008-01-13 16:04
    so here's my idea, I email; Mr. Jensen (who seems like a very accessible individual) and ask him if he would come onto a q&a here at deoxy, perhaps as part of the praxis through an irc channel,...:wheels are in motion
    --mim 20:27 2007-10-20
    :on board :)
    : Me three ~~~Profile:Glandmaster~~~
    :: Any news - or is he too busy blowing up dams? ;)
    Author Derrick Jensen in Vancouver
    '''''* great q and a session, derrick was spot on, funny, interesting and thought provoking, do yourselves a favor if he comes to your city make the effort you will be thankful.''''' (I'm trying to think of a salient point of the evening but i think it will take a while to sink in,...will try later)
    Next week, ward Churchill (Vancouver,..best city on earth ;-)
    --mim 2007-10-20 00:34
    <big>“What I really want is for people to think for themselves, feel for themselves, ask the earth where they live ‘What must we do?’ and to act on the answers that emerge.” </big>— Media:Derrick_Jensen
    quote of the evening ''''' "So the rapture arrives and all the Christians are raised up to heaven, which makes everyone left behind very very happy" '''''
    --mim 20:27 2007-10-20
    <b><i><big>[https://deoxy.xyz/mirror/deoxy.org/watch?v=pBIudbPDzVw&q=derrick%20Jensen%20%20 Would you like to Know More?] </b></i></big>
    Derrick Jensen exposes the problems of civilization (systemic violence, industrial capitalism, and environmental exploitation) in an acclaimed lecture series that included a sold-out engagement at Langara College in April 2007.
    ''*your faithful scribe mim was there and can vouch for an truly interesting time''
    Jensen urges immediate action to end this culture of violence by any means. He is an award-winning author, lecturer and environmental activist whose best-selling books include Listening to the Land, Endgame and his new collaboration, Thought to Exist in the Wild: Awakening from the Nightmare of Zoos.
    Friday, October 19, 8 pm at the Ukrainian Cultural Hall, 154 E. 10th Ave. Vancouver Advance tickets $12 $15 adult or $12 students at the door. Sponsored by Submedia.TV.
    [http://www.derrickjensen.org/appear.html Other Appearances] :''Via: derrick jensen.org''
    Columbus: Myth and The American Dream Revisited.
    Columbus Day Weekend 2007, Charlottesville, VA
    <i>As todays political climate within the United States continues to foster a lack of willing examination into the continual degradation of environmental and human affairs, we may look to Columbus Day as a medium by which to examine our collective historical and cultural lineage, its consequences and contemporary condition.
    The Living Education Center for Ecology and The Arts and The Bridge Progressive Arts Initiative are teaming up to create a weekend of thought provoking dialogue and events. This Columbus Day weekend, prominent writers, artists, and activists Ward Churchill, Natsu Saito, Derrick Jensen, and Dana Lyons will engage in three days of public events exploring the Columbus legacy: its origins, implications, and impact upon contemporary American culture.</i>