This code demonstrates the exact method used to choose random hexagrams at It strives to emulate the 3 coin toss as simply as
possible. This short Perl program is available as a large shell app for Win32 (bloated to 673k because it includes Perl): iching.exe
# method for generating random i ching hexagrams at
# define the lines
%lines = (
6 => '-- x --', # yin changing to yang
7 => '-------', # yang
8 => '-- --', # yin
9 => '---o---', # yang changing to yin
# define the coin
@coin = qw(2 3);
# toss 3 coins 6 times
for (1..6) {
$a = @coin[rand @coin];
$b = @coin[rand @coin];
$c = @coin[rand @coin];
# add the results
$line = $a + $b + $c;
# put result in a list, bottom line first
push @lines, $line;
# reverse the list so top line is first and print each line
print "$lines{$_}\n" for reverse @lines;