The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension ( was created around 1993 by Dimitri and went offline around 2015 for reasons unknown - maybe one possible reason. I have attempted to cobble together the most comprehensive archive of this site from other deoxy-nauts and bits of stuff I found on the Internet.

I have kept the raw HTML files as pristine as possible by moving the archive to Hugo, a static based CMS framework. Unfortunately any Perl scripts for functionality like the chat rooms or daily news are gone forever.

For the time being all the content is here but the navigation is broken. This is because of the haphazed organization of the website from 1993 till its takedown. I will attempt to fix the navigation over time but the good news is that all the content can and will be indexed by the crawlers.

Why am I doing this? It’s because these archives are a homage to one of the greatest websites to ever live on the Internet. It had a big impact on me back in the early 90s and after 30 years I still think about it and feel compelled to expand on it. I plan on carrying on the mission of delving deep into the human consciousness and matters of spirituality, the cosmos, and everything in between. The world needs this, as badly as ever, and now with the Fediverse it can be achieved - organically.

If Dimitri ever returns and wants to put back up the original site, I will gladly take this mirror down.

Regards, Thomas - Librarian & Archivist

Note: The original domain was purchased by unknown entities, most likely an SEO company looking to build domain authority (that’s my guess). It’s gone now over there at if you want to see it, minus the perl scripts as well. The lack of interactivity makes me believe it’s not the original owner Dimitri rebuilding the site.

Disclaimer: There’s a ton of crazy and dangerous stuff in these old files. I take no responsibility or liability whatsoever if you do anything stupid that could injure, kill you, or hurt others. Dimitri warned about it too, so please don’t do anything stupid.